It’s St. Patrick’s Day, Which Means It’s Time For Our Annual Viewing Of The Leprechaun Video

Add me to the long list of those blogging or otherwise posting about this video today. I can’t help it, it has to be done. If you’ve used the internet in the last 10 or so years, then you knew exactly what video I meant just from the title. The Leprechaun in Mobile, Alabama is an all-timer, a YouTube classic. If you somehow haven’t seen it (what is wrong with you??), you need to head to the video below and watch it immediately.

This video is a treasure, a gift to all mankind. There is so much greatness contained in this video, it’s almost too much to believe.


The original ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The amateur sketch. To this day, still one of the single funniest things I have ever seen.

The dude with the “special leprechaun flute” that has been passed down through generations (“thousands of years”), though he doesn’t say what exactly makes it special.

The eyewitness accounts that all agree that “The leprechaun only comes out at night. If you shine a light in its direction, it suddenly disappears.”

Image result for um what

And it’s given me my go-to St. Paddy’s Day shirt.

And those are just a few highlights held within this piece of iconic American history. This video just has it all. So in case you didn’t watch it above, or you just need to watch it again, take a look and enjoy.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Follow @MattHambidge

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