Samsung Unveils Comically Large 146″ TV

Among the products Samsung announced at this year’s Consumer Electronics Show (CES) was an absolutely enormous 146″ TV, dubbed The Wall. The TV in my living is 50″ and it’s damn near impossible to even imagine having something nearly 3x as big as what I’ve got now. Granted, apartment living doesn’t necessarily lend itself to 146″ behemoths. But still, the point remains valid. Unless you have or are building the dopest home theatre ever, I don’t see how owning this TV makes sense. Now don’t get me wrong, I would love to have a home theatre epic enough and big enough to reasonably accommodate a TV this size. But I’ve still got a few million dollars to make before I can afford a house big enough to fit a home theatre big enough for this monster. But life’s all about goals and, my friends, I think I just found a new one.



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