Song Analysis Saturday: “Sun Daze” by Florida Georgia Line

Song: Sun Daze

Artist: Florida Georgia Line

Genre: Country

Alright, diving into some country this week. I know I have shit on country a bit in some of my previous posts, but I am still admit when I hear a good song, regardless of the genre. My general opinion on country is that it is for the simpleminded. There is usually nothing cool musically going on, and lyrics are simple and about tractors, failed relationships, and dead dogs. There are a handful of country songs however, that are not about those dumb topics, and instead are just generally happy and chill songs to listen to. This is one of those songs.

Verses: 8/10

The verses flow well, with a good simple drum beat. Right away when you start listening you just get very relaxed and it makes you feel happy. Nothing super complicated going on here, just some good solid verses.

Chorus: 9/10

The chorus of this song is so catchy. Whether you like country or not, if you listed to this chorus it will be stuck in your head all day, and that is not a bad thing. I very much appreciate the simple, but hard bass drum driving the chorus along with a good beat.

Bridge/solo: 9/10

There is actually a very good guitar solo in this song! It isn’t overly complex, it just works perfectly with the tone of the rest of the song.

Catchiness: 10/10

This song is extremely catchy, and that is the best thing it has going for it. At no point is it annoying or repetitive though. It just makes you feel happy and keeps you in a good mood all day.

Music: 8/10

The music isn’t bad by any means. It does its job for the type of song that it is going for. The beat goes along perfectly with the catchy singing.

Lyrics: 8/10

Again, nothing super deep here. The lyrics are pretty simple, but happy. The whole song is just about how they want to hang out all day and chill, not worrying about work or life.

Overall: 9/10

Is this going to be my favorite song? No, of course not. But for what it is, it is great. It will cheer you up, no matter the situation. It is best listened to on a nice Summer’s day off, but can also be a good listen now, in the Winter, and you can daydream about those great Summer months.

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