Song Analysis Saturday: “Thunder” by Imagine Dragons

Song: Thunder

Artist: Imagine Dragons

Genre: Alternative

Week two, and I have decided to go with Thunder, by Imagine Dragons. This song has been dominating the charts for a month or so now, and on top of that it is a rare popular song that I really like. Imagine Dragons classify their music as Alternative, which is debatable I feel like they started that way, and have been creeping closer to the pop side of music. Regardless, they do make good music. They bridge the gap between basic catchy pop songs and well written music from artists of other genres.

Verses: 7:10

The verses in this song are fine. They are made to be the filler between the better parts of the song. They are a little smaller with the instruments, and the singer singing in the same rhythm for every line. I t could maybe get a little repetitive at times, but it isn’t overbearing. The verses to offer a nice contrast to the chorus which really helps it stand out.

Chorus: 9:10

I am going to count the auto tuning sounding “thunders” as part of the chorus. So those come in with some nice bass, and that does a good job building up until the lead singer actually comes in. And then the best part of the whole song in my opinion is after the singer says his first “thunders” the big bass drums come in, big, like actual thunder.

Bridge/solo: 7/10

I am unsure, but I believe we actually have a guitar solo in this song! When is the last time that was in as popular song as this one. Like the verses though, it is just fine. It is simply a filler between the second and last chorus. I still appreciate some use of an instrument besides just backing up the singers singing though.

Music: 7/10

I wanted to give this part a higher score than 7 but couldn’t knowing all of the other songs I am going to do reviews on. If this were relative to all other pop songs out there it would get an 11/10, but compared to the rest of music 7 is generous. But still I do appreciate it. Some stand out parts are the mini guitar solo between the second and last chorus, then again in the outro of the song, and obviously the drums in the chorus.

Lyrics: 7/10

Again, I have to remind myself that there are songs with better lyrics out there. It is nice to hear a song not about relationships or drama. Instead this one is about how the Imagine Dragons made it big, despite people along the way laughing at them and doubting them. Nothing super deep or creative, but solid lyrics.

Catchiness: 10/10

I mentioned before some repetitive beats and singing. It isn’t annoying though, it just makes the song stuck in your head immediately. If you listen to this song once in the morning, you won’t be able to get it out of your head the whole day, but that’s not such a bad thing.

Overall: 8/10

As far as popular songs go, this one is one of the best that has come out in a while. I could see how people could get fed up with it after listening to it too many times, but that hasn’t happened to me yet. This is one that I will always listen to when it comes on the radio.



One Comment on “Song Analysis Saturday: “Thunder” by Imagine Dragons”

  1. “Thunder” is very catch and an all around great song, but I feel like it isn’t their best. Certainly not better than “Radioactive” or some of their other hits.

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